Friday, July 3, 2009

Tiki Bar

Our upcoming iPhone game is called TikiBar. We're pretty excited about it. It's inspired by Ore No Ryomi. The game engine and tile atlas have really come along. There is simply too much graphics and animation going on in TikiBar to use the engine we used in Abby Crabby and Spell Flyer.

Did you know a game doesn't just go from storyboard to completion? We have to iterate and refine both the art and the game play. It's one of those "it takes 90% of the time to complete the last 10% of the work" kind of things. But it's worth it! People notice what's missing, not what's there. Without refinement, you wind up with something that was rushed out the door, not fun, interesting or dynamic.

The art is part of that refinement process and it has also been coming along for TikiBar. Included here are some development shots of the backgrounds in upcoming TikiBar game for iPhone.


Blogger JMathews said... coming soon!

August 1, 2009 12:17 AM  

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