Monday, February 23, 2009

20 year old game grosses $3/4m in iPhone remake

"iShoot, a top-selling iPhone app that was a best-seller for weeks and has now earned the man more than $700,000 ".

Interesting. It's just a clone of a game that appeared in the mid 80s called Tank Wars. The Scorched Earth PC game from the early 90s is the one I remember playing. The most memorable feature was a special hidden key combination where it would yell out "No Kabitzing!" I suppose the idea was to put down opponents that were ganging up. Wow, it doesn't seem all that long ago when the idea of a "LAN party" was to sit side-by-side at the computer with your brother and battle it out with tanks.

If a game once had replay value and appeal it probably still does. It's a great argument for putting the mind into park and simply bringing clones back from the dead. Classic game play will always be appealing for new generations.

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